Use the bar below to search through all publically available RAIMAD components. You can filter by package name and/or tag.

Please note, RAIMAD packages, just like all python packages, can run arbitrary code on your computer.

raimad RectLW


A rectangle defined by length and width.

Option Type Description Default
length <class 'float'> Length of rectangle <Empty>
width <class 'float'> Width of rectangle <Empty>

raimad RectWire


A rectangle defined by two points and a thickness.

Option Type Description Default
p1 rai.typing.Point First point <Empty>
p2 rai.typing.Point Second point <Empty>
width <class 'float'> Thickness <Empty>

raimad Circle


A polygon that approximates a circle.

Option Type Description Default
radius <class 'float'> Circle radius <Empty>
num_points <class 'int'> Number of points 200

raimad AnSec


Annular Sector A polygon approximating an annular sector, or, in working men's terms, a "pizza crust". There are many possible ways to define an AnSec; # TODO examples

Option Type Description Default
r1 <class 'float'> Inner radius <Empty>
r2 <class 'float'> Outter radius <Empty>
theta1 <class 'float'> Angle 1 <Empty>
theta2 <class 'float'> Angle 2 <Empty>

raimad CustomPoly


A polygon that you can defined on-the fly. #TODO add example

Option Type Description Default
points typing.Sequence[tuple[float, float] | tuple[str, tuple[float, float]]] A list of points for the polygon <Empty>

raimad Snowman


A sample component.

Option Type Description Default
nose_length <class 'float'> Length of nose 10
eye_size <class 'float'> Eye radius 2

rai_compos_priv Frowney

Frowney A sad example component

Option Type Description Default
happiness <class 'float'> Happiness, from -10 to 10 -8
eye_size <class 'float'> Eye radius 5

rai_compos_pub Smiley

A smiley face component

Option Type Description Default
happiness <class 'float'> Happiness, from -10 to 10 8
eye_size <class 'float'> Eye radius 5

rai_compos_pub TestPattern

Test Pattern This is another example component inspired by Leon's work with test patterns for ebeam.

Option Type Description Default
num_rects <class 'int'> Number of rectangles on each side 20
rect_width <class 'float'> Width of each rectangle on left side 10
rect_length <class 'float'> Length of each of rectangle on left side 25
gap_width <class 'float'> Width of gap between each rectangle on left side 10
abberation <class 'float'> Scale of right side compared to left (a value of 1 = same size) 1.5

rai_compos_pub TestPatterns

Test Patterns Test component consisting of multiple test patterns in differnet positions.

Option Type Description Default

rai_compos_pub CPWStraight


Option Type Description Default
length <class 'float'> length of segment <Empty>
signal_width <class 'float'> width of signal line <Empty>
gap_width <class 'float'> width of gaps between signal line and gnd lines <Empty>
gnd_width <class 'float'> width of gnd lines <Empty>
resist_margin <class 'float'> shrink width of resist on either side of segment by this much <Empty>

rai_compos_pub CPWBend


Option Type Description Default
signal_width <class 'float'> width of signal line <Empty>
gap_width <class 'float'> width of gaps between signal line and gnd lines <Empty>
gnd_width <class 'float'> width of gnd lines <Empty>
resist_margin <class 'float'> shrink width of resist on either side of segment by this much <Empty>
bend_radius <class 'float'> Radius from bend center to middle of signal line <Empty>
dtheta <class 'float'> Arc length of bend (radians) <Empty>

rai_compos_pub TLTest

Sample component to play around with the TL class

Option Type Description Default

rai_compos_pub MSLHalf


Option Type Description Default

rai_compos_pub MSLHalves

Two halves of the MSL structure joined together with a signal line

Option Type Description Default

rai_compos_pub VialessMSL

via-less MSL test chip draft.

Option Type Description Default