In order to make it easier for different people to use your
RAIMAD designs,
you can organize them into a package.
RAIMAD packages are nothing more the standard Python
That means you can install them with tools like pip
Using a RAIMAD package
If you would just like to make use of a RAIMAD package
within your designs,
you can install it using pip.
For example, if you wanted to install
the sample
you could do it like so
pip install git+
Working on other people's repos
If you want to not only use a package, but also change its code (for example, if you want to contribute new components to an existing package), you should first clone the repository using git, and then install it using pip editable mode, like so:
git clone
pip install -e ./rai_smiley
Installing a package in editable mode means that any changes that you make in your local copy of the package will be reflected from within Python when you import it.
The screencast below demonstrates these steps by making a simple
change in the sample
Adding new components to an existing package
Python is very permissive in regards to where you put your code within a package. Indeed, some 1, 2, 3 prolific packages put all or almost all of their code within one file.
In RAIMAD, however, to keep things manageable, we follow the following rule of thumb:
- Any classes (e.g. components) that are useful on their own deserve their own separate file.
- Any supporting functions and classes (e.g. subcomponents) should share the file with the class that they support.
We also use
src layout
for RAIMAD packages,
which means that Python source code files go into
With regards to naming classes and files, we also adhere to
In short, files should be in snake_case
while classes should be in UpperCamelCase
So, if a package called rai_filters
contains a component
called IShapedFilter
you should expect to find its source code under
which might also contain supporting classes/components like
Finally, we use the
(which are required to be present in every package directory
by Python)
to perform namespace flattening.
Continuing with the rai_filters
example above,
might include lines like
from rai_filters.i_shaped_filder import IShapedFilter
so that users of the package can access the component
as rai_filters.IShapedFilter
, as opposed to the needlessly
verbose rai_filters.i_shaped_filter.IShapedFilter
The screencast below demonstrates how you can add
a sample IShapedFilter
component to the rai_smiley
and update the
file to include the newly
added component.
A note on raimad export
In Python, you use the .
operator to access child modules
of a module as well as objects within a module.
The raimad export
command, however,
uses the .
to access child modules,
and the :
to access a component class
within a module.
In other words, the last separator is always a ':' and not a '.'.
So, while you may access the IShapedFilter class
as rai_smiley.i_shaped_filter.IShapedFilter
or rai_smiley.IShapedFilter
from Python,
when using the raimad export
you would write
or rai_smiley:IShapedFilter
Making your own package
You can also make your own package from scratch.
Make sure to choose a short and informative name
complies with PEP8,
and starts with rai_
After that, by using the sample
as a reference,
set up the file structure of your package and upload it to
a git repository.
Are you a TIFUUN collaborator? Instead of creating your own package, we recommend contributing to one of the two existing packages instead. Read more on the TIFUUN collaborator welcome page.